This tea is not only delicious, it is full of the nutrients you need to assure a healthy pregnancy.* Nourish yourself. This is a gift you can give yourself and your baby every day. Prepare as an infusion to get the most out of it.
Ingredients: red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, nettle, oatstraw, dandelion leaf, dandelion root, red clover blossoms, and rosehips.
4 oz
Put two heaping tablespoons in a heat tempered glass vessel, like a mason jar. Fill with boiling water. Put a lid on it and steep 8 hours or overnight. Pour through a strainer the portion you want, return the collected herbs back to the jar. You can reheat, or enjoy room temperature or chilled. Add some sweetener if you like or a splash of juice. Say a toast to you and your baby and bottoms up! Have at least two cups a day. You can make it stronger or drink more. Refrigerate once its cooled. |
![]() What is in the Pregnancy Tea?Red Raspberry Leaf: It is the best single herb that we can take for total uterine health. There is a long list of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that the uterus needs to work efficiently. Red Raspberry Leaf has basically all of them! It is filled with essential minerals and vitamins like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, E, A and B complex. It also contains easily assimilated calcium and iron. This traditional women’s herb increases fertility, tones the uterus, aids in easy birthing, restores the womb after birthing, helps prevent miscarriage, reduces morning sickness, soothes muscle/leg cramps and backache, and counters fatigue. Nettle Leaf: It is rich in chlorophyll, a significant source of vitamins A, D, C, B, and K, bio-available minerals, including huge amounts of calcium, magnesium silicon, and potassium chloride; protein, and dietary fiber. It prevents folic acid anemia and iron deficiency anemia, and is also a digestive aid, a strengthener to the lungs, an ally of the kidneys, and a restorative to the hair and skin. It has the ability to increase the efficiency of liver and kidney function, which is very important during pregnancy. It also helps prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids, eases leg cramps and backache, reduces the incidence of hemorrhage after birth, and increases the richness of breast milk. Alfalfa: Called the “king of plants”, this herb is supremely rich in vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, potassium, silicon, and trace elements. It has 8 essential amino acids and the highest chlorophyll content of any plant. Alfalfa aids in relieving morning sickness, prevents anemia and hemorrhage. Midwives often recommend Alfalfa instead of an iron supplement to help mothers build red blood cells. Alfalfa also contains vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting needed for mama & baby after birth. Dandelion Leaf & Root: Both the leaf and root of the Dandelion are very nourishing for the liver, which is critical during pregnancy. A lack of strong liver function is connected to morning sickness, hemorrhoids, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, lack of energy, headaches, and mood swings. Dandelion is rich in many nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and vitamin A. This plant helps control blood pressure by reducing excess fluids in the body as well as by the presence of mannitol, a substance commonly prescribed for hypertension. Dandelion contains all the nutritive salts for the blood. It restores and balances the blood so anemia that is caused by deficiencies of these blood salts disappears. It also contains bitter compounds that enhance the efficiency of the body’s eliminative and detoxifying functions. These compounds help restore normal liver function, increase the production of digestive fluids and enzymes, particularly bile, increase the flow of urine and have a laxative effect... all very important functions especially during pregnancy! Finally, this amazing weed enriches breast milk in mothers. Oatstraw: is an excellent herbal source of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to menstrual disorders, irritability and poor calcium absorption. This herb has been used to treat hysteria, calcium deficiency, nervous disorders, urinary tract infections and osteoporosis. It is useful for bone building (vital for mama and baby) and is a nerve tonic. Red Clover Blossoms: The infusion of red clover blossoms prevents and eases the constipation so common during pregnancy. It also strengthens the liver and improves appetite, especially when morning sickness is a problem and can relieve anxiety. The alkaline qualities of the flowers purify the blood. It is used to treat infertility and the generous amounts of minerals, proteins, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens in red clover restores health to the entire reproductive system. Red Clover is an excellent herbal source of calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Plus, it is valued for keeping breast milk rich and our breasts healthy! Rosehips: are included for the high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is important for the absorption of iron. It also helps to strengthen mucus membranes and vessels as well as acting as an immune booster. |
Is Red Raspberry Leaf Safe in Pregnancy?There is some controversy online about red raspberry leaf. Some say it can prevent miscarriage, others say it can cause miscarriage. This is my experience and what I know about this herb. Raspberry leaf is a uterine toner. It causes the uterine fibers to contract which gives the effect, over time, or strengthening the uterus. It does not cause the entire uterus to contract at once. I have been recommending this to clients for more than 30 years. Occasionally we will have a woman that seems to be feeling contractions after drinking it. Without knowing if the raspberry leaf is the cause, we suggest stopping the tea for a month and trying again. As always, talk to your provider and use your own judgement about what you do. |